
The ADL WG is one of two working groups chartered in the PfPC’s founding documents. Its mission is to strengthen defense, military, and security policy education and training through technology-enhanced learning. The ADL WG fosters cooperation and coordination between Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council countries, and it aims to support the transformation of readiness preparation in NATO and Partner defense and academic institutions with interoperable, reliable, resilient eLearning solutions. 

Common eLearning education and training content

The ADL WG strives to expand the availability of electronic education and training materials for NATO and Partner countries. It encourages sharing of eLearning courses between countries, and it invites nations to collaborate in developing new eLearning content with a multinational audience in mind. In addition to training and education directly concerning national defense, the ADL WG emphasizes learning solutions that address related security activities such as peace support operations, combating human trafficking, language training, and security policy education. 


Interoperable ADL education and training methods

The ADL WG aids the development of interoperable distributed learning content and training methodology to benefit the widest possible range of NATO and Partner nations. The ADL WG collects and disseminates experiential knowledge, open-source and open-architecture eLearning solutions, and best practices for building modern military education and training systems equal to today’s complex, evolving challenges in support of the accreditation of standards and reference documents. 


Training While We Fight: Lessons from Ukraine’s Use of Distributed Learning in War

Ukraine Military Medical Training and Education Requirements

How AI Supports Military Education Training, Exercises, and Evaluation

Dr. Aaron Presnall
President, Jefferson Institute
COL Stephen Banks
Branch Head, Modelling and Simulation Learning Technology, NATO


Previous Event

Chisinau, Moldova - The Partnership for Peace Consortium (PfPC) and the Alexandru cel Bun Military Academy recently conducted a workshop from 13-14 March in Chișinău, Moldova.

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