The Study Group “Regional Stability in South East Europe” (RSSEESG) has contributed to peace and security in the Western Balkans since 1999. Its working principles, jointly established by the Austrian, Croatian and Serbian co-chairs in its RSSEE vision statement, seek to:
- Evaluate the situation and factors in the South East European region that promote regional stability through enhanced international co-operation, especially with institutions located in or close to the region of interest.
- Execute strategic research on an academic level supplementary to and stimulating the practical work done in the region.
- Provide support for the improvement of networks in the field of security policy and help create a peaceful, strategic and stable community in the SEE region compatible to the broader Partnership for Peace network and beyond.
These goals are being reached through focusing research on improvement of regional stability in a comprehensive approach; centering topics on current developments on the ground; selecting and promoting young, regionally-oriented, future leaders; and by providing and spreading policy advice in policy briefs and academic publications which are distributed to decision makers in SEE and the International Community.
For the more than 250 partner institutions involved in RSSEE, regional stability in the Western Balkans means to strive for comprehensive and cooperative political, economic, cultural, and civil/military relations in areas that have passed through wars and where the political and interethnic relations are still partly characterized by conflict and/or security problems due to differing geo-strategic interests of regional or global actors.

- PfPC Email: info [at] (info[at]pfp-consortium[dot]org)
- PfPC Office Germany: +49 (0) 8821 750 27 08
- Austrian National Defense Academy: