
PfP Consortium Tackles Disinformation Challenges at 22nd Annual CSWG Conference in Sibiu
Lattest Policy Recommendations of the Regional Stability in the South Caucasus Study Group are available now

Sibiu, Romania -The PfP Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes convened the 22nd Annual Conference of the Conflict Studies Working Group in Sibiu from May 22-26, 2023. Hosted by the Institute for Political Studies of Defence and Military History (Romania) and the Institute of Strategy and War Studies (Royal Danish Defence College, Denmark), the conference explored the theme "Shaping Nations for Conflict and War: Propaganda, Disinformation, and Strategic Communication. Implications for Policy Makers."

International Dialogue on Countering Disinformation

With participation from renowned historians and specialists representing 19 NATO member states and partners, the event served as a crucial platform for scientific dialogue. The focus was on addressing the multifaceted challenges posed by propaganda, disinformation, and strategic communication. Experts emphasized the importance of historical knowledge in countering disinformation and highlighted the imperative to enhance tools and forms of strategic communication.

Ukraine and Georgia: Vital Perspectives in Countering Disinformation

The presence of specialists from Ukraine and Georgia added significance to the conference, as they actively contributed insights on countering the increasing impact of disinformation on democratic societies. Case studies were presented, drawing from national experiences and addressing the broader context of the ongoing information war. The event showcased the Conflict Studies Working Group's pivotal role in strengthening regional cooperation and advancing strategic research within the PfP Consortium.

You can learn more about the Conflict Studies Working Group here.

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Papers Glasses

NATO has released its new Reference Curriculum Guide, Russian War Against Ukraine Lessons Learned.


Below is an excerpt describing the purpose of the curriculum guide. 


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I/ITSEC Conference

Orlando, USA - Members of the Partnership for Peace Consortium took part in the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), held Nov. 27 - Dec. 1, 2023 in Orlando, Florida.